Report A Knife

Home Crimestoppers

Welcome to the Report A Knife web site. Our goal is to make the world a safer place by reducing the number of knives on the streets. We aim to do this by letting you anonymously report those who you know carry knives so that they can be confiscated and appropriate action taken before yet another person becomes injured or killed in this country.

Help your local community by reporting knives to prevent future injuries and deaths. We are currently contacting politicians, government departments and the press to increase exposure of the site for this specific problem.

If you wish to report someone carrying a knife, please click on the button below which routes you to Crimestoppers where you can select the weapon type of "knife" in the first drop down box and follow the other prompts.

Welcome to the web site. Our goal is to make the world a safer place by reducing the number of on the streets. We aim to do this by letting you anonymously those who you know carry so that they can be confiscated and appropriate action taken before yet another person becomes injured or killed in this country. Crime. Initiative. Statistics. We will provide some news and statistics relating to crime on the site, however the main goal of the site is to enable you to help your local community by to prevent future injuries and deaths. We are currently contacting politicians, government departments and the press to increase exposure of the site for this specific problem. Crime. Statistics. Initiative. If you wish to someone carrying a please click on the button below which routes you to Crimestoppers where we suggest you enter in the first box. Remember to enter as much useful information as possible about the person/gang/location/times in the drop down boxes provided. Welcome to the web site. Our goal is to make the world a safer place by reducing the number of on the streets. We aim to do this by letting you anonymously those who you know carry so that they can be confiscated and appropriate action taken before yet another a person becomes injured or killed in this knife country. Crime. Statistics. Initiative. We will provide some news and statistics relating to crime on the site, however the main goal of the site is to enable you to help your local community by to prevent future injuries and deaths. We are currently contacting politicians, government departments and the press to increase exposure of the site for this specific problem. Crime. Initiative. Statistics. If you wish to someone carrying a please click on the button below which routes you to Crimestoppers where we suggest you enter in the first box. Remember to enter as much useful information as possible about the person/gang/location/times in the drop down boxes provided. Crime. Initiative. Statistics. to enable you to help your local community government departments and the press by reporting knives to prevent future injuries and deaths. We are currently contacting politicians, government departments and the press to increase exposure of the site for this report specific problem. Crime. Initiative. Statistics. to enable you to help your local community by to prevent future injuries and deaths. We are currently contacting politicians, to increase exposure of the site for this specific problem. Crime. Initiative. Statistics.